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Related article: be sending ice crystal through the red blood in my veins, was digging a hole for us to hide in in the blue clay at my feet. He stopped for a minute to press the ash down in his short black pipe, and pointing to a wedge of birds over the sea, observed, " Them's wid- geon," and added pointedly, "if we'd been out of sight they'd a' come right overhead." It was enough ; I seized a spare spade, and jumping into the hole, began shovelling out the sticky stuff for dear life. In twenty minutes we had it so deep that crouching at the bottom one's eyes were just on a level with the cockles. We lined it warmly with a truss of dry straw brought for the purpose; made all perfectly smooth outside — for on these immense levels the least thing will catch the eye of cautious wildfowl — and speedily tumbled in with our guns. How strange and desolate it all looked from that lowly position ! The tide, just on the turn, was an ashy-coloured expanse far away in the eastward; to the west the winter sun was setting in angry reds and greens over the low inland hills, whose shadows al- ready lay heavy on the wide marsh-lands between us and them. And between marsh and sea, as far as the eye could reach, were endless stretches of barren mud that would be presently swallowed by the water, and over which the keen wind whistled and sighed with wild hyperborean playfulness, as if rejoicing in the fact that here at least Oxcarbazepine Carbamazepine was a playground where neither stock nor stone, nature nor man, had erected a single obstacle Oxcarbazepine Trileptal to its freedom. What a Carbamazepine Oxcarbazepine strange, empty world it all was, from a crab or starfish point of view, I was just thinking to myself, with my pipe chattering in Oxcarbazepine 300 Mg my teeth and my i2-bore feeling like a shapeless lump of lead in my numb hands, when "Jarge," whose heart is sterling gold, though his manners are un- finished, gave me a powerful dig in the ribs with his elbow and muttered, "Wild duck, four on 'em I " and turning where he looked I saw a cluster of dark objects low Buy Oxcarbazepine down over the sea coming towards us. On they came, swift and straight, like a Order Oxcarbazepine flight of arrows ; in ten seconds they were over the land, in another five overhead. " Bang! " went the longshoreman's ready gun ; " bang, bang," went mine also, and two mallards came hurtling down from under the driving clouds, while another one left its companions, and with legs dropping and head up, descended slowly till it grounded a hundred yards further inland. Then the black retriever we had brought with us went out to collect the slain while we hurriedly re-loaded. Almost before he was Trileptal Oxcarbazepine safely back three curlews came by, one dropping to my right barrel. By this time the tide was flowing, and when it once turns it comes in apace over these dead levels. As it rose it necessarily put up all the birds far and near that had been feeding along its margins, and with the fascination of one who loves wild nature better than all the pomp and cir- cumstance of coverts or over- stocked partridge manors, I saw pack after pack, flock after flock, of wild fowl, newly come from their homes in the north, rising in the air, while from the big sea outside and the disappearing sand- banks came in black clouds of widgeon and Brent geese till the November twilight was all alive with piping and whistling fea- thered life. We got a chance at an immense strand of golden plover, and though it was only the fringe of that moving cloi^" that Purchase Oxcarbazepine Online came within reach, a S'^ 314 BAiLY's MAGAZINE* [NOVRMBKR lay strewn along the wet sands, and again the dog went forth. He was as keen on the bag as any fowler that ever haunted the slob in this wild November weather, and raced after the wounded birds first, killing them with a single nip as he caught them, and only when they were safely retrieved did he Purchase Oxcarbazepine bring in the dead — a mouth- ful at a time. Then a pair of heron go by far overhead, croak- ing as they fly, and of all weird sounds in the Order Oxcarbazepine Online gathering darkness surely that of those gaunt grey spirits of the twilight overhead is the most melancholy. But by this time we were as warm as toast, and with eyes for nothing but the ever-whirling and shifting panorama of bird life which the on-coming tide was putting up. A solitary widgeon, looking out for its company, falls to my com- panion's gun as the dog is bring- ing in the last of the plover, and simultaneously my companion, who seems to have eyes all round his head, hurriedly bids me look behind. I twist round in the nar- row hole just in time to see three redshanks going away between me and the last primrose strands of the fading sunset. It is a long shot to the nearest, but I risk it and have the pleasure which every shooter will appreciate, of seeing him roll up instantly and come down on a patch of shingle back foremost. Then the other gun misses a scoter, while a few minutes afterwards we both fire into a mass of knots, probably numbering many thousand, adding thereby eleven to our rapidly- growing collection. There is no talk now of cold, though the north-easter is still tearing over the mud-flats, hum- ming a singularly plaintive song as it strikes the ripples of the tide-way, and driving before it a fine spray from the salt pools that stings the bare face like $mall shot. The dog lies panting at our feet listening with a sense probably many times acuter than ours to the voices of the night, and the great sea — Generic Oxcarbazepine turned to a huge black field of darkness — ^is racing in on our right. As it comes the birds no longer fly low along the margin, hoping against hope that a feeding ground here or there may still be bare. They have accepted the inevitable, hurrying off to their roosting- places on the inland marshes in all those quaintly-ordered forma- tions that tell their species to the experienced eye as well as the birds themselves could. Maybe they are Buy Oxcarbazepine Online not so high as they appear, for it is all but dark now, and there is nothing to proportion height or distance by, but we are old gunners, and do not waste cartridge on stray shots. So we crouch and wait for a last chance, while a star or two comes out frosty and clear under the curtain of the night, and we can distinctly hear the sullen hiss of the water a hundred^ yards away running in on us over the flats. And pre- sently that chance comes. ** Jarge'* suddenly sinks into a shapeless black heap at the bottom of the pit and pulls me after him.